OMT Driehoek Copy 3

Nog meer functionaliteiten in Safari

Apple heeft een paar AppleScripts uitgebracht waarmee je nog meer functionaliteiten kunt toevoegen aan Safari. Hier de nieuwe scripts op een rijtje:

Import Image Into iPhoto – This script will import a JPEG or GIF image which is open in its own Safari window into your iPhoto collection.

Reuters Top News Compilation Email – An example of “page scrubbing,” this script gathers the text from a few stories on the Reuters Top News website and creates a new email with the formatted text.   Display Thumb-Linked Images – This script scans the front browser window for images that link to other JPEG images and then displays the target JPEG images, each in its own window. Here’s an example page containing linked images.   Create Phone List – This script scans the Address Book application to create an alphabetical list of persons with their phone numbers and displays the result in a new browser window.   Full Screen – This script hides the Dock and expands the front browser window to fill the screen.   Side-By-Side – This script repositions the front two browser windows to be side-by-side.

Zo wordt Safari wel helemaal mooi. Ik hoop dat Apple nog heel veel Scripts gaat maken en publiceren. 

Safari AppleScripts

Update: Installatie instructies vind je hier:
