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Geen Keynotes meer!

ThinkSecret komt vandaag met zeer schokkend nieuws. De Apple Expo’s gaan drastisch veranderen, en die verandering begint bij de MacWorld Expo in juli. Geen Keynotes meer, geen grote productaankondigingen. Ook een naamsverandering behoort tot de plannen. Aldus ThinkSecret:

Citaat: Sources confirm there will not be an opening-day keynote address from Jobs, but instead a “feature presentation” by an Apple executive, probably Phil Schiller, Apple’s Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing. The address is not expected to be a forum for new product announcements, but rather, an opportunity to showcase products, services and solutions from Apple as well as third-party developers. “Don’t expect to attend a keynote and see Steve Jobs show off a bunch of new products,” one exhibitor said. In addition to a Schiller address, IDG World Expo is planning on having multiple feature presentations hosted by a number of major companies on the opening day and following dates. Nog schokkender nieuws is, dat het (volgens ThinkSecret) Steve Jobs zélf is geweest die pleitte voor de drastische veranderingen van de Expo’s:

Citaat: The decision to break with tradition and not have a Jobs keynote reportedly was made by Jobs himself. When exhibitors asked why he wouldn’t be doing a keynote, many were told it was because Jobs felt it was getting tougher every year to produce the same amount of innovative products and excitement for a keynote. “Apple feels they have to pull a rabbit out of a hat at every keynote and it was getting tough for Jobs to live up to the hype,” said one exhibitor. Persoonlijk zou ik het erg jammer vinden als Apple geen Keynotes meer geeft, dit zijn immers de hoogtepunten in het Applejaar…

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