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OS X Mountain Lion Preview 3 beschikbaar

Ben jij lid van Apple’s OS X ontwikkelaar-platform en doe je mee met de betatest van OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion? Dan staat er een download voor je klaar! Apple heeft een derde preview uitgebracht van de Mountain Lion Developer Preview. Hierin zijn vooralsnog geen nieuwe functies gevonden. Er zijn dus vooral bugs aangepakt. In de release notes is desalniettemin nog een waslijst aan onopgeloste bugs te vinden.

Apple kondigde OS X Mountain Lion twee maanden terug aan. De opvolger van 10.7 Lion brengt OS X en iOS dichter bij elkaar door toevoeging van elementen als Game Center en Notification Center. Deze zomer komt Mountain Lion op de markt. Een definitieve lanceerdatum zal waarschijnlijk bekend gemaakt worden tijdens de WorldWide Developer Conference die volgens bronnen in juni gehouden zal worden.

Apple’s release notes voor Mountain Lion:

Known Issues

On systems with FileVault enabled, canceling the restart to the Mountain Lion Developer Preview 3 Installer may leave your system unable to present a password dialog at boot time. You can repair the problem by holding down command-R to boot to the Recovery OS and then using Disk Utility to unlock and Repair your volume. Installing OS X 10.8 over 10.7.2 or earlier with FileVault turned on may fail Pre-Lion FileVault user accounts are not supported in this Developer Preview Some Apple menu items such as Restart may not work when a sandboxed app is in the foreground – iTunes no longer syncs Notes Mail’s photo browser cannot access the iPhoto library Back to My Mac doesn’t work for the first 5 minutes after rebooting DVD Player may not launch after inserting a DVD on some systems – Most help topics are unavailable in this Developer Preview In the Recovery HD:

Some icons may be missing Network Utility’s Lookup pane does not work Time Machine restoration via a AFP share does not work Restoring from a Time Machine backup via AFP does not work Migration from a Time Machine backup that excludes paths such as /System may yield an unusable system Brightness settings may change unexpectedly after reboot Display brightness may be dim after sleep or reboot If Mail is hidden at logout time, it may not be correctly relaunched during a subsequent login but will appear to be running – Java applets may not work in Safari QuickTime screen recordings may produce corrupted videos or cause an exception when run on machines with NVDIA graphics Game Center

In this seed, the Game Center application will view Production data by default. Games in development will be programmatically switched to use the Sandbox server environment No Top Games are displayed on the Me tab and no game recommendations are shown on the Games tab To use Game Center in your game on OS X, you must install a provisioning profile that enables Game Center for your app. Code signing, entitlements, and provisioning profiles are all described in detail in Tools Workflow Guide for Mac Multiplayer gaming with Game Center between iOS and OS X is not available in this seed In the Game Center app, game detail information such as game provider, pricing, etc. is not displayed The local peer-to-peer GameKit API (GKSession, GKPeerPickerController, and related classes) is not supported
