OMT Driehoek Copy 3

iPod activiteiten ondergebracht in aparte divisie

Persbureau Reuters meldt dat Apple de iPod activiteiten heeft ondergebracht in een aparte divisie. Hiermee heeft Apple de ontwikkeling van iPods en Macs organisatorisch gescheiden.

Jon Rubinstein, tot voor kort de baas van Hardware Engineering, zal de leiding krijgen over de iPod divisie. De Macintosh divisie zal worden geleid door Timothy Cook.

The moves were announced in a company-wide internal e-mail sent by Steve Jobs, Apple’s chairman, chief executive and co-founder, and first reported by the New York Times on Wednesday.

“This organizational refinement will focus our talent and resources even more precisely on our industry-leading Macintosh computers and the wildly successful iPod,” a spokesman said. [/textquote] Reuters: Apple Creates New iPod Division, Shuffles Execs
