OMT Driehoek Copy 3

QuickTime-strategie achter release iTunes voor Windows? heeft een interessant artikel gepubliceerd, waarin een wellicht niet-zo-bekende reden voor Apple om iTunes voor Windows uit te brengen, uit de doeken gedaan wordt:

Citaat: After several discussions with some sources that have some information related to Apple’s strategy (some of them had also helped me to gather information about Apple Europe recently), we concluded that iTunes is not only being ported to Windows to give PC users access to the iTunes Music Store and enjoy their iPod. Another rather unknown reason why Apple would like to port iTunes to Windows is related to QuickTime. Apple’s audio-video media player had been very popular until mid-90s when there was still no competition. But although it’s widely used on Mac OS, it has been rapidly supplanted by Microsoft’s Windows Media Player and Real’s RealOne Player on Windows. Each of these companies have their own proprietary containers and codecs though Real is more committed to open standards and partnerships than Microsoft which uses exclusively its own codecs and containers. Lees het complete artikel hier.
