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MySQL beheer op Mac OS X

Op MacDevCenter (de mac-developerssite van Oreilly) is een artikel verschenen over het beheer van MySQL op Mac OS X. MySQL is zoals bekend het open source database platform dat wordt gebruikt op veel websites, waaronder Voor wie graag wat wil gaan doen met MySQL – of het al deed zonder succes – een heel aardige inleiding.

MySQL is a popular database management system with which most web developers are familiar. You can’t swing a cat on the internet without hitting a website running it on the back end. In fact there’s an acronym stemming from the ubiquitous open source combo of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or Perl or Python): LAMP, which you can find out all about over at O’Reilly’s While there’s quite a bit of lively debate about its relative merits compared to other systems, there’s no denying MySQL is widespread.

There are myriad ways to control and manipulate information on a MySQL server — some are stand-alone GUI apps, some are web-based, and of course the venerable (and powerful) command-line option is always available. Robert Daeley shows some of the most useful tools.[/textquote] MacDevCenter: Managing MySQL on Mac OS X
